Dillon Ragan
About Me!
Hello! Buenos Dias! Guten Tag! My name is Dillon Ragan, and I am one of the Social Studies teachers here at North Davidson High School. I graduated from North Davidson in 2018, and then graduated from High Point University in 2022, with a major in History and Secondary Grades (9-12) Education. This is the start of my third year of teaching, and my second year here at North Davidson High School.
When graduating from North Davidson in 2018, I knew not only that I wanted to teach history, but that I wanted to come back to a place that always felt like home. I have lived in the North Davidson area all my life, and I am blessed that I get to spend the rest of my teaching career at a school and in a community that I love.
In addition to my love for this community, I also love history. My main passion is with American History, which I am excited to teach this school year! I truly believe that understanding one's own history makes a empathetic, passionate, and impactful citizen. Though I love American History, I also value Civics, World History, and Personal Finance, all of which I have taught or am teaching this year.
I am so happy to be back at North Davidson High School! Once a Black Knight, always a Black Knight!!!
My Class Expectations
These are my expectations for all of my classes...
- All school policies will be enforced!
- Be respectful: Show respect for me, your peers, and also yourself. Treat others the way you should be treated; with fairness, kindness, and without judgment.
- Be prepared: Always come prepared for class. Have materials ready, but more importantly be ready and prepared to learn.
- Be on time: It is good practice to be punctual anyway, but to prevent students from missing too much in class, it is important that they be in class by the time the bell rings.
- Be responsible: Students are in control of their success in this class. If they are responsible with their work and turn it in on time and completed then they will experience success in this class. Should students not be responsible, they will not see success in their grades or their learning experience.
My Grading Policy
This is the grading policy for all of my classes...
Minor Grades - 40%
Major Grades - 60%
*Classwork grades will be averaged into one minor grade
*Note: While tests, quizzes and projects will be graded based on accuracy, most in-class assignments are graded based on how much effort the student put into the assignment.
Late Grades Policy:
I do accept assignments late, however there will be penalties for turning in assignments after their due date. My policy is as follows:
*Note: Points may also be subtracted from the assignment if elements of the assignment are missing or wrong
Contact Me!
My Class Schedule