Career Development Resources
Career Development Resources:
NC Careers - This website is a great resource with many different career tools.
CareerOneStop Toolkit
This website is sponsored by the US Department of Labor. It provides the ability to explore careers, search for jobs, and find local help and training.
My Next Move
My next move is a very easy to navigate career exploration website.
CFNC College Foundation of North Carolina
College Foundation of North Carolina is a free service of the State of North Carolina that helps students plan, apply, and pay for college. CFNC is a partnership of Pathways, the N.C. State Educatopm Assistance Authority, and College Foundation, Inc.
Education Planner .org offers information for students, parents, and counselors alike. If you are a student, the site offers self-assessments to help you discover your learning style and how to use that information to improve you high school experience as well as interest inventories to help you decide upon a career. If you are a parent, the site makes it easy for you to understand college costs, the admission process, and student aid as your child transitions from high school, to college, to the "real" world. If you are a teacher or counselor, the site is a great tool to help middle and high school students get ready for life beyond high school.
Occupational Outlook Handbook
The Occupational Outlook Handbook is a publication of the United States Government which provides information about hundreds of different careers. In addition to job descriptions, the handbook identifies salary ranges, working conditions, required educational level, and growth potential for the jobs identified in the handbook.
NC Works Online
NCWorks Online is a one-stop online resource for job seekers and employers in North Carolina. Job seekers can search for jobs, create resumes, and find education and training. Employers can find candidates, post jobs, and search labor market information.